Experience Showcase
The Roman Experience
Spring 2023
This semester-long seminar consisted of a weekly class teaching us about ancient Roman culture, specifically the art, architecture, and engineering that's seen throughout Roman history. It ended with a 10-day trip to Rome, Italy, where we got to see the things we learned about in person, including the use of arches and domes, Greek influence on Roman architecture, and the early use of concrete and volcanic stone in construction. We also got to see incredible art pieces such as the Sistine Chapel, the Trevi Fountain, and much more. I learned a lot about the history and culture of Rome, which I didn't have a chance to do for the short time I lived in Italy. This experience impacted me greatly, as I got to see just how far we've come in terms of engineering, yet how much we still use from the Roman times today, such as arches, domes, sidewalks, and more. Additionally, I got to see the beauty of the meshing of art and architecture, which is something that today's society lacks with it's glass and concrete skyscrapers.
Click this card to see more about what I've learned and experienced in Rome and Naples. I chose this example because it exemplifies the information I learned throughout the semester and trip, and puts it in a way that I can share with others. I also chose this example because it's a website I made myself, and I'm proud of the work I put into it.
Intermediate Composition
Fall 2023
Throughout the semester, I engaged in Intermediate Composition, honing my writing skills through increasingly challenging essays and assignments. Each week, our seminar delved into various aspects of composition theory and practice, equipping us with the tools to craft compelling and coherent written works. As the semester progressed, I found myself tackling more complex topics and refining my ability to convey ideas effectively through writing. This journey culminated in the Ethnography of a Discourse Community essay, where I had the opportunity to apply my newfound skills to a comprehensive research project regarding a group I was passionate about. Just as my exploration of ancient Roman culture broadened my understanding of history and engineering during my time in Rome, this experience in Intermediate Composition has profoundly impacted my approach to writing, empowering me to navigate the intricate intersections of language, discourse, and communication with confidence and clarity.
Click this card to read the final essay (not including my reflection) I composed during my experience. I chose this essay because it exemplifies the skills I learned throughout the semester, and showcases a group within UC. I also chose this example because I was never too fond of writing, yet this essay made me see the benefit and enjoyment writing creates.